The unfolding of AI Product Ops - Anna Maria Brunnhofer-Pedemonte (Impact AI)

Product Fit podcast by Airtime
Anna-Maria Brunnhofer-Pedemonte
23 minutes
Works at

About the podcast

Product Fit by Airtime is a video podcast series with exceptional product leaders & founders.

In this episode, my guest is Anna-Maria Brunnhofer-Pedemonte, Co-founder & CEO of Impact AI, an agent-enabled platform for efficient analysis, evals, and alignment for genAI products.

We explored topics like how AI product ops should be set up, whether the world will only need AI product managers or the sustainability of the AI boom on our environment.

Key learnings



Anna-Maria Brunnhofer-Pedemonte

CEo & Co-founder

Anna Maria is the co-founder of Impact AI, an agent-enabled platform for efficient analysis, evals, and alignment for genAI products. She is a serial founder, Impact Ai is her 4th venture. Interestingly started consulting about AI at a time when it wasn’t that sexy yet - 10 years ago.


Akos Kiss-Dozsai

Co-Founder & CEO at Airtime

I'm a product builder, I took to market +5 products between 2015-2020. I developed product concepts and validated them through research. I was also responsible for structuring and market entry working with large teams. Since 2020, I'm the co-founder & CEO of Airtime.