Interviews, click prototypes, explainer videos, concierge services – the list of validation techniques seems endless. But how well do they really work?
To find out, I’ll be sharing my experiences as a guest lecturer at Shenkar Collage from the early days of building Airtime. The session is open for everyone.
I don’t offer a silver bullet, but I hope that sharing my lessons from running specific experiments will help you run yours more successfully.
So, what will we explore? Here are a few techniques I’ll be covering, along with insights into my processes:
1. Discovery interviews
2. Focus groups
3. Opportunity scoring
4. Surveys
5. Explainer videos
6. Concierge services
7. LinkedIn message-fit campaigns
If you are new to validation techniques, this session will be a practical entree helping you to get started. If you are a pro, you may be inspired by some tricks that I use or some mistakes I’ve made.
I'm a product builder, I took to market +5 products between 2015-2020. I developed product concepts and validated them through research. I was also responsible for structuring and market entry working with large teams. Since 2020, I'm the co-founder & CEO of Airtime.